The JAMS Agent for OpenVMS is an optional component that provides background processes for executing JAMS Jobs under the direction of a JAMS Scheduler located on a different machine running Windows or OpenVMS.
This version of the JAMS Agent for OpenVMS requires:
The JAMS Agent comes as a self-extracting zip archive when downloaded over the Internet. Once decompressed the file is named: JAMSAGENT???042x.EXE where "???" is "AXP," "IA," or "VAX" and "x" is replaced by the patch level of the kit.
These self-extracting zip archives are OpenVMS executable images and are unpacked by running them. The archives contain the following files:
The JAMS Agent can be installed and run on any machine. All license restrictions occur on the machine running the JAMS Scheduler. The JAMS Agent does not require a LMF License PAK.
The installation takes 5–10 minutes depending on the type of media and your system configuration. Before installing JAMS, you must have the following privileges and resources:
The installation procedure initially checks for the required resources before the installation. However, if any resources are deficient, the procedure will issue an error message and identify the resource(s) before terminating the installation.
To determine the number of free global pages on your system, type the following DCL command:
The number displayed equals the total number of free global pages. If this number is too small, you can increase the GBLPAGES system parameter by editing the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and invoking the SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM command procedure.
For more information on adjusting SYSGEN parameters and using AUTOGEN, refer to the appropriate VMS documentation.
To determine the number of free global sections on your system, type the following DCL command:
The number displayed equals the total number of free global sections. If this number is too small, you can increase the GBLSECTIONS system parameter by editing the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and invoking the SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM command procedure.
For more information on adjusting SYSGEN parameters and using AUTOGEN, please refer to the appropriate VMS documentation.